Augmenting human intelligence
across teams

Alphablocks provides AI tools for teams of tomorrow by developing cutting-edge SaaS products powered by Generative AI & ML. Currently, we are building for the ecommerce vertical.

Demo Asa now. No Signup required.

Meet Asa.

Trained on all your company’s information, powered by state-of-the-art LLMs, Asa AI gives your shoppers access to the knowledge they need to make better and quicker purchase decisions alongside enabling you to provide an innovative AI support experience to your shoppers.

Trained instantly on multiple sources

Bring your own Knowledgebase. Asa can accurately segragate and organize massive amounts of information seamlessly, and deeply learn from this information, ready to assist your customers in minutes.

Upload from files, webpages, and pre-built templates
Import content from third-party apps*
Coming soon


We’re working hard to give you the best support solution. It will feature importing content from external knowledgebases, CRMs and omnichannel deployment options.

Accurate on-topic answers

Automatic classification of user queries based on relevance and urgency to navigate your customers correctly.

  • Asa swiftly flags off-brand inquiries, ensuring focused and respectful brand-centric conversations.
  • Human when you need it - Asa can triage complex problems and seamlessly pass them to your support team if it is unable to help.
  • We're working very hard to bring integrations allowing you to create support tickets soon.

Magic Analytics

Seamlessly monitor Asa's performance metrics, ensuring a deep understanding of its effectiveness in resolving issues and its beneficial impact on your AOVs and monthly revenue.
With regular, insightful updates, you can pinpoint the precise conversation topics that resonate with your users, identifying areas of success and opportunities for further enhancement.

Performance and Conversion Metrics
Improvement Suggestions
Coming soon

Beyond Plain Text

We are working very hard to bring a seamless interactive interface right within your Asa assistant.

Asa will elevate user experiences by leveraging AI to dynamically generate and organize intuitive, actionable interfaces for browsing, purchasing, order tracking, and support, all through seamless dynamic query processing.

Seamless deployment

Simplify AI assistant deployment by adding your content and customizing its appearance, then copy the code snippet from the dashboard's deploy tab into your website to go live instantly.

Asa, your AI shopping assistant, transforms customer support by learning from your data for accurate help and recommendations. It escalates complex issues, ensuring precise, straightforward interactions.
Demo Asa now.

Launch your custom Asa demo at no cost today by entering your help center URL.
Asa will automatically ingest your content to answer questions, providing a
deployable support solution tailored to your needs.

By sharing your URL, you are confirming that you have the necessary rights to share the content at this URL.
By submitting your email, you agree to receive marketing emails related to the demo.